Asserting the future: public policies for Portugal

Asserting the future: public policies for Portugal, volume I and II, is Institute of Public Policy’s first book, in partnership with the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, and respects to the final product of the project Asserting the future. Specialists from the most diverse areas of public policies integrated a long process of study, reflection and debate, now assembled in these two volumes, which counted on Paulo Trigo Pereira and Viriato Soromenho-Marques as coordinators of these works.

Get volume I here

Get volume II here

You can also access here, exclusively, the complete versions of the following chapters of volume I:

  • Chapter 3 – A proposal for the reform of the political system, by Marina Costa Lobo and José Santana Pereira;
  • Chapter 6 – Renewing hope: budget strategy for growth and employment in Portugal in the euro framework, by Paulo Trigo Pereira and Luís Teles Morais;
  • Chapter 7 – For a fairer allocation of the effects of the Adjustment Program in Portugal: unemployment, poverty and social exclusion, by Carlos Farinha Rodrigues; and
  • Chapter 9 – Public Expenditure on Health, by Pedro Pita Barros.

Volume 3

Volume 6

Volume 7

Volume 9