Policy Paper 26 | European Data Strategy: Regulatory & Policy Aspects

The EU Data Strategy is based on the Communication issued by the European Commission in 20202.It is a 5-year plan and strategy that presents a vision of a data-driven economy in the EU and sets theguidelines for the future regulatoryframework. It will ensure that data can flow within the EU andacross sectors, maximizing its potential for innovation. Secondly, this framework will mirror Europeanrules and values in its application to fields such as personal and non-personal data protection,consumer protection legislation or competition law. The strategy adopted by the EU differs from otherdata markets such as the US and China. Its vision is based on a human-centred economy and society.Thirdly, it will address the rules for access toand use of data-these must be “fair, practical and clear”,and transparent and trustworthy data governance mechanisms will be designed. The approach tointernational data flows shall be open, but assertive, and always based on European values such as faircompetition or protection of individuals’ rights.

Read the Policy Paper here.