What will change in European Digital Markets after DMA and DSA?

Livestreamed Event

The European Commission proposed a new set of rules to regulate digital markets and services and to create a safer digital space in which the fundamental rights of all users of digital services are protected. It also aimed to establish a level playing field to foster innovation, growth and competitiveness, both in the European Single Market and globally. The package includes the Digital Markets Act and the Digital Services Act. The European Council and European Parliament as co-legislators will also play important roles in the forthcoming legislation.

Apart from understanding the real scope of the initiatives, and the future roles of these three institutions, important questions arise: which steps are being taken under the Portuguese Presidency of the Council. Will we progress towards a harmonization between EU regulation and Member States’ patchy regulations? What is the expected impact of the new rules on competition, contestability in specific markets and innovation? What are the fair and reasonable obligations of large systemic platforms (“gatekeepers”) and those that operate in the market and use their services?

To discuss these and other topics, this webinar brought together members of the three institutions, academics and representatives of the industry.


Paulo Trigo Pereira

President of IPP, Full Professor at ISEG

Minister Pedro Siza Vieira

Minister of State for the Economy and the Digital Transition

Steffen Hoernig

Associate professor at NOVASBE

Sofia Alves

Head of the European Commission Representation in Lisbon

Maria Manuel Leitão Marques

Member of the European Parliament – S &D Group

Guido Lobrano

Vice President at ITI and Director General for Europe

Maria Martins

International Business Consultant at Quidgest


Please note: In consequence of the summer time change that happened on the 28th of March, we are now in GMT + 1 time. The webinar will be at 10 am Portuguese hour.

10h – 10h05

Welcoming Remarks

Paulo Trigo Pereira

10h05 – 10h20

Opening Adress

Pedro Siza Vieira

10h20 – 10h40

Setting the stage on the DMA and DSA

Steffen Hoernig

10h40 – 11h30

Panel Discussion – Digital Markets in Europe and the DMA: prepared for the challenges ahead?

Sofia Alves

Maria Manuel Leitão Marques

Guido Lobrano

Maria Martins

Moderator: Paulo Trigo Pereira

This event will be in English

Related Content

The Digital Services Act and Digital Markets Act encompass a single set of new rules applicable across the whole EU. They will create a safer and more open digital space, with European values at its centre.

The new DSA rules are proportionate, foster innovation, growth and competitiveness, and facilitate the scaling up of smaller platforms, SMEs and start-ups. The responsibilities of users, platforms, and public authorities are rebalanced according to European values, placing citizens at the centre.

The Digital Markets Act (DMA) establishes a set of narrowly defined objective criteria for qualifying a large online platform as a so-called “gatekeeper”. This allows the DMA to remain well targeted to the problem that it aims to tackle as regards large, systemic online platforms.

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