A pension system for the future

With the support of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, this project is a contribution by civil society to answer the challenges of weak economic growth in this century and new demographic dynamics, which invite Portuguese society to a transversal debate on pension systems. In a debate which, by its very nature, tends to divide positions, convergences should be sought through a broad and inclusive dialogue with relevant stakeholders and public opinion. Such convergences have proved difficult, in a somewhat blocked debate.

Project outputs

In this project, we tried to perform a framework of the problem and a diagnosis of the current reality and future challenges of the Portuguese pension system, in order to contribute to a clearer debate. This was followed by the development of three policy papers:

IPP Policy Paper 11

The current public pension system in Portugal

(in Portuguese)

IPP Policy Paper 12

Criteria for assessing pension systems

(in Portuguese)

IPP Policy Paper 13

The public and political debate on pensions in Portugal

(in Portuguese)

In the future, a transparent, rigorous and consensual diagnosis of the current situation of public pension systems in Portugal will be necessary, something that is currently lacking. This is the only way to achieve a set of reform proposals that are based on an analysis of their impact and effectiveness in promoting the financial sustainability of the system, inter and intra-generational equity and the adequacy of retirement income.

As part of this project, the Institute of Public Policy also organized the seminar, “A Pension System for the Future“, at Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation in Lisbon. Following this event, Pedro Pita Barros and Per Eckefeldt (economist of DG-ECFIN of the European Commission) made their presentations available for consultation:

Per Eckefeldt presentation

Pedro Pita Barros presentation


Pedro Pita Barros

Senior Research Fellow - Coordinator

Daniel Carolo

Senior Research Fellow

Luís Teles Morais

Research Fellow

Joana Andrade Vicente

research fellow