Joana Andrade Vicente
Research Fellow
Expertise: public finances and good governance, social policy
Joana Andrade Vicente has an undergraduate degree in Economics and a master degree in Economics and Public Policy by Lisbon School of Economics and Management (ISEG | University of Lisbon), with a thesis in corporate governance in public companies. She is currently a Phd student in Economics at the same university, pursuing the field of Game Theory and Regulation. She acquired international experience after attending a summer course at the European Dublin Business School.
Professionally, Joana started in 2014 at Deloitte Portugal as a tax consultant in the Transfer Pricing Department. Here she had the opportunity to participate, for two years, in international projects that seek for the arm’s length principle adequacy regarding multinational enterprises in different jurisdictions.
After incorporating the research team, Joana was from 2019 to 2022 the executive director of the Institute Public Policy. In this position she has had the chance to participate in projects in the fields of public finance, budget transparency and social policy, contributing on regular basis with publications and interventions in Portuguese media.
Contact: joanav@ipp-jcs.org