Marina Costa Lobo

Marina Costa Lobo


Expertise: democracy and accountability

Marina Costa Lobo obtained her PhD from Oxford University with a thesis researching Prime Ministerial power in Portugal. The thesis was entitled “The Emergence of a Prime Ministerial Model: Coordination in the Portuguese Government, 1976-1995”.

She is currently a Principal researcher at the Institute of Social Sciences in Portugal, member of the board of Institute of Public Policy and also a co-editor of the Journal South European Society and Politics. Her interests center on electoral behavior and political institutions in Portugal in a comparative perspective.

She is one of the executive directors of the Portuguese Election Study, a project started in 2001, and which has carried out post-election surveys in Portugal, namely in the 2002, 2005 legislative and the 2006 Presidential elections. Through this project she has become involved in several international projects, namely CSES (Comparative Studies of Election Systems), EES (European Election Studies), CNEP (Comparative National Election Project) and INTUNE (Integrated and United).
