Innocracy 2021 – Democratising Democracy

This year, once again we are partnering with Innocracy with their annual conference!

Innocracy is a European civil-society conference based in Berlin. Since 2017, once a year, Innocracy explores innovations in democracies. From reflections on the status quo, via practical examples of change to painting tangible future visions, the conference seeks to improve liberal democracy from the inside out. Innocracy is known for its community character, innovative formats and future-oriented debates.

This year, the event held on the 14th and 15th of October will be remotely and in person.

At Innocracy 2021, we want to identify fields which are excluded or are being removed from democratic control and explore whether and how (re-)democratising them could lead to a better future. We want to move from liberal democracy as a state we must defend to democratisation as a process we must develop.


One of the speakers at Innocracy 2021 will be Susana Peralta (deputy-chairwoman of IPP)! 


Get to know more about the event and the speakers here ❯ (