PRR: How to Measure Its Impact?

The PRR was conceived as a performance-based instrument geared towards tackling each country’s main socio-economic structural challenges. Both from the point of view of public citizenship and public policy debate, it is necessary to better understand how this programme is having an impact on Portuguese society.

Realising the importance of access to rigorous and independent information on matters related to its mission, the Think Tank – Anti-fraud Initiative and the Institute of Public Policy (IPP) developed a media outreach initiative on measuring the impact of the RRP.

This seminar presented the conclusions of an IPP Policy Paper “Digital Transition in the Recovery and Resilience Plan: Challenges for Portugal” by João Cortes, Steffen Hoernig and Paulo Trigo Pereira and a Policy Brief that was released on 30 March.

The event took place on 30 March 2023 at the ISEG premises – Rua do Quelhas, 6, Sala 202 (convent).

Watch the online broadcast of the event by subscribing to the Think Tank’s YouTube channel by clicking here,